Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Natischa Harvey: How She Built Her Million-Dollar Fever Shoes Business

"Natischa Harvey "
By Andrea Williams
At age 19, when most people are fresh out of high school and just beginning to enjoy their “adult” freedoms, Natischa Harvey was already making significant strides on a well-constructed path that was sure to lead to her dream life.  She was married to her high school sweetheart, who happened to be a professional athlete, and she was studying to become an attorney at Clark Atlanta University.  Needless to say, people close to her were completely shocked when she decided to take a job at Bakers during her sophomore year.
They questioned her sanity while she juggled her $6/hour evening shifts at the retail shoe store with her demanding political science classes during the day.  But Natischa had a plan.  There was a definite method behind the perceived madness, and the end result was Fever Shoes – a $1.5 million-and-growing brand that has firmly established Mrs. Harvey as a true contender in the highly competitive designer shoe industry.
It is widely understood that the road to entrepreneurial success is treacherous at best, and Natischa was faced with a major obstacle before she could even begin.  Though Natischa had been designing shoes since the 10th grade, her mother dissuaded her from such lofty pursuits and instead encouraged her to pursue a safe and reliable career.  So, when Natischa felt like she could no longer suppress her high-fashion fantasies, she knew she would have to gain her mother’s blessings first.
“My mother always knew that I loved fashion and designing shoes, but she felt it was too risky as a career choice,” she said.  “Studying political science and becoming a lawyer was safe to her because she knew I would always have an income, and she needed that level of security and comfort.  But I wanted to open a boutique, so I had a talk with her.  My mother told me that if that was what I wanted to do, I needed to go out and do it full force or not at all – no half-stepping.”
Armed with her mother’s well wishes and cash from a stock investment that was initially intended to pay for her college tuition, Natischa opened her first boutique in 2004. She calls her time at Bakers a “paid internship” that gave her the hands-on experience and confidence she needed to strike out on her own.
“I definitely believe you have to crawl before you can walk,” she said.  “So I decided to work at Bakers, and my manager helped me learn pretty much everything about how to manage a store, from counting inventory to managing employees.  I was in college, and I definitely think college prepares you for a lot of things, but I knew that if I wanted to own a boutique I had to learn how to run one.”
Four years and two additional stores later, Natischa was ready to market her own designs to the world.  Absolutely nothing came easy; she recalls feeling guilty for depleting her family’s savings to invest in her company and many nights working late and sleeping in her store – away from her husband and three children.  She even took a two-week trip to China alone to find a manufacturer for her shoes when none of her industry contacts provided the leads she had hoped for.
The sacrifices were monumental, but she says, without hesitation, that it was completely worth it. “I have worked my butt off for my company, and even when I felt like quitting I just kept going because I didn’t have another option” Natischa said.  “It was hard before I really started making money, when I was just breaking even, because my family was depending on me. I depleted our savings account, and I felt horrible.  But that only made me work 10 times harder, and today, every drop of blood, every drop of sweat and every tear was well worth it.”
In addition to providing uniquely chic designs to suit the myriad tastes and budgets of the everyday woman (current styles range from a sparkly wedged heel at $59.99 to funky, double-platformed stilettos priced at $250.00), Natischa has also seen her shoes grace the feet of some major celebrities, including Vivica A. Fox, Raven Symone and Christina Aguilera.  She actually credits her celeb clientele for giving her company its first real push into the mainstream.
“Once celebrities put a stamp of approval on Fever Shoes and certified the brand – it took off,” Natischa said.  “I went from selling $600 or $700 [worth] per day to almost $15,000 in one day.” She also attributes her ever-expanding customer base to constant media exposure and, with press clippings from publications as diverse as People StyleWatch and Essence, Natischa has continued to gain access to different demographics – which is what she always envisioned for her company. “I definitely appreciate the support that the African American community gives me, but I want support from everyone,” she said.  “I make shoes for all women.”
On October 4, Natischa was an invited guest at the White House Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference.  She was recognized as one of the country’s youngest and most successful women entrepreneurs, and she acknowledges her impact on others who aspire to start their own businesses.  While she is very careful to avoid glamorizing the process, even despite her current success, she encourages people to pursue their passions wholeheartedly.  “If something is meant for you to do, and you are willing to work hard for it, it is going to happen,” she said.  “It may take a while – it took me 6 years – but it will happen.  If you want to succeed as much a you want to breathe, you will be successful.”

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are You Ready To Die?

This is a question most people hate to hear and will run away from answering but really the answer to this question could change your life.
 As a Christian in believe in heaven (where i hope to be someday!!) and hell but death is not even just about the afterlife. When we die, we truly see the impact we made on this world. Facing this question makes it even more plain to see that we get ONE SHOT at life. We always need to remember that there are no chances for do-overs, you either get it right or you don't. That;s why it's important to live life with no regrets! Sure as human beings we will all make mistakes but regretting any decision or situation takes away your focus from what you could learn from the situation and rather intensifies the negative. now who would rather pick emotional baggage over a life lesson?
   They say experience is the best teacher so GO ON! Experience life but remember you have only one shot so MAKE IT GOOD! Think through every decision and make sure you can handle the consequences. In this day, there are so many ways of avoiding the consequences but the fact still remains that wrong is wrong and right is right. Just because you don't get punished right away doesn't mean you won't get punished!
   God above is keeping a tally and all he is saying is "love me with all your heart". it doesn't matter how wrong you once were or that you did wrong on purpose just love me and ask for forgiveness. Now love in exchange for a clean slate and a fresh start is a pretty fair exchange I think. So now knowing that there is someone to guide you and lead you through life, someone who will love you regardless of your sins and imperfections,
                                                      ARE YOU READY TO DIE?

Monday, November 29, 2010


Life is a constant mirage, moving images of what we think the future will be like

Ok so its 4 am and up until an hour ago i was studying!! what i knew med school would be tough but this is just crazy!! and this is supposed to be the easiest semester but anyway i just know that all this will payy off someday somehow so until the its back to the grind!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


My life literally began the day i stopped caring about what people thought of me. So what, I'm the girl who likes Drake (and i can rap-along any day just ask Henry Kumi lol!) and still thinks Jill Scott is one of the best singers that ever lived. I'm the cynic who thinks true love is just a myth but cries whenever she watches "The Notebook"(best movie eva btw!) and I'm the girl who loves to do well in class but hates the competition people attach to it. Sometimes we go through life defined by labels and even though we might want to change, we are scared to because we are known as "the shy one" or "the cute one". Once in a while we need to step out of our comfort zone and stretch ourselves, being uncomfortable is sometimes good because it shows that you are doing something that you have never done before and experiencing something that could change life as we know it (hey rae rae n pt lol) 4eva. So for right now, I am defying labels, I do what my heart tells me not what the world tells me. i remember when i met my best friend and everyone wondered "WTF is she doing with THAT GUY" well, what i was doing was getting to know someone on their own terms not as they had been portrayed by the world and i met one of the most beautiful souls ever (pls dnt let ur head grow big!). So for right now if you ask me how i'm feeling about life well.... I guess you already know I'm LOVING IT!!!!

my style!


WE ALL NEED SUM1 TO LEAN ON SUMTYMES, ME I GOT 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today has been one of the sh*ttiest days ever starting from this morning where i barely understood enything in Algebra then moving on to standing in a very hot corridor for over an hour to wait for a class that didnt come on. UGH!!!!!!! and above all i am broke???


Because she was the first one to win an OSCAR!!!!!
Because she is truly a Classic beauty

Because she showed black girls that being smart ROCKS!!!! and actually pays off

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



THIS IS JUST A VISUAL ORGASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why I Love Jesus

This is my open letter to God;
Thank you for making me, for protecting me, for loving me through all the hard times. Most people see me and wish they were like me but all I want to be is like you. Thank you for showing me that in this deep, dark world where sin is rampant and love has been made into an object, there is still hope. Thank you Lord for holding my hand through all those difficult times and showing me You had a divine purpose for my life. There have been so many times that you have saved me and I didn't even know it. Thank you for not giving up on me and for showing me that I deserve unconditional love. Thank you Lord for giving me this day and the gift of speech and self expression. Above all thank you for giving me the gift of LOVE. Keep my eyes on you at all times. help me not to be proud or arrogant rather, give me the humility of a lamb. Let me not get caught up in this world and its worldly things; always remind me that this is not where i belong; my home is in heaven. Keep my mind focused on You at all times. let me not question it when you bless me, let me not fear to go where you lead me; although in the eyes of the world i may seem like a rebel, let me at all times be a rebel that's yours. If I am disowned for following Your truth, give me joy and fill my heart with peace. AND MOST OF ALL FATHER GIVE ME THE HAPPINESS THAT COMES ONLY FROM YOU, THAT DEEP, DEEP JOY THAT COMES FROM KNOWING YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THERE..amen


It's 11:48 Tuesday night and this is the first time I have ever decided to share whatever goes on in my mind with any1 apart from my best friend. This blog is all about the good things in life and positive energy. Venturing into an unknown zone i don't even know what to expect from this process I'm just hoping i'll love the ride hopefully you'll love it too. Posts might not be frequent but they will always be good!!! For me this is just Twitter... without all the random tweets.....