Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are You Ready To Die?

This is a question most people hate to hear and will run away from answering but really the answer to this question could change your life.
 As a Christian in believe in heaven (where i hope to be someday!!) and hell but death is not even just about the afterlife. When we die, we truly see the impact we made on this world. Facing this question makes it even more plain to see that we get ONE SHOT at life. We always need to remember that there are no chances for do-overs, you either get it right or you don't. That;s why it's important to live life with no regrets! Sure as human beings we will all make mistakes but regretting any decision or situation takes away your focus from what you could learn from the situation and rather intensifies the negative. now who would rather pick emotional baggage over a life lesson?
   They say experience is the best teacher so GO ON! Experience life but remember you have only one shot so MAKE IT GOOD! Think through every decision and make sure you can handle the consequences. In this day, there are so many ways of avoiding the consequences but the fact still remains that wrong is wrong and right is right. Just because you don't get punished right away doesn't mean you won't get punished!
   God above is keeping a tally and all he is saying is "love me with all your heart". it doesn't matter how wrong you once were or that you did wrong on purpose just love me and ask for forgiveness. Now love in exchange for a clean slate and a fresh start is a pretty fair exchange I think. So now knowing that there is someone to guide you and lead you through life, someone who will love you regardless of your sins and imperfections,
                                                      ARE YOU READY TO DIE?


  1. This is soo beautiful Kafui. I know God is looking at this, and feeling so proud that he put an angel like you on this Earth.

