Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why I Love Jesus

This is my open letter to God;
Thank you for making me, for protecting me, for loving me through all the hard times. Most people see me and wish they were like me but all I want to be is like you. Thank you for showing me that in this deep, dark world where sin is rampant and love has been made into an object, there is still hope. Thank you Lord for holding my hand through all those difficult times and showing me You had a divine purpose for my life. There have been so many times that you have saved me and I didn't even know it. Thank you for not giving up on me and for showing me that I deserve unconditional love. Thank you Lord for giving me this day and the gift of speech and self expression. Above all thank you for giving me the gift of LOVE. Keep my eyes on you at all times. help me not to be proud or arrogant rather, give me the humility of a lamb. Let me not get caught up in this world and its worldly things; always remind me that this is not where i belong; my home is in heaven. Keep my mind focused on You at all times. let me not question it when you bless me, let me not fear to go where you lead me; although in the eyes of the world i may seem like a rebel, let me at all times be a rebel that's yours. If I am disowned for following Your truth, give me joy and fill my heart with peace. AND MOST OF ALL FATHER GIVE ME THE HAPPINESS THAT COMES ONLY FROM YOU, THAT DEEP, DEEP JOY THAT COMES FROM KNOWING YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THERE..amen

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